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Death Records Rosemary Street Church Records, Belfast Ireland

Search Page 3 of Marriages in the Rosemary Street Church Records, Belfast Ireland.

Sheet 5

Year Day/Mon Groom First Name Groom Surname Remarks Bride First Name Bride Surname Remarks
1826 15-Dec Daniel Ingram (s of Daniel -NR Comber Fanny May (d of John of Queen St
1826 25-Dec Hamilton Johnston (s of John of Morrow's Entry Esther Willcock (d of Alexander of Sandy Row
1826 25-Dec Robert Hamilton (s of Robert of Hill St Ann Falloon (d of late James
1827 02-Jan John Seals (s of John of BallyMagarry Margaret Campbell (d of William of Carrick Hill
1827 30-Jan Robert Simms (s of William of Grove Jane Sanclair (d of William of Brookvalley
1827 12-Feb Samuel Gelston (s of Robert of Ballsallogh Eliza Hughes (d of Mrs Hughes of Hill St
1827 12-Feb David Wright (s of David of Armagh Esther Johnston (d of John of Morrow's Entry
1827 11-May Andrew Clements (preacher of the Gospel Margaret McEwen (……church lane
1827 17-May James Ward (…..High St Elizabeth Niblock (….Queen St.
1827 06-Jun James McSweeny (s of William from Annahilt Jane Rutherford (d of Alexander of Ballyhackamore
1827 07-Jul Joy Spence (s of Joy of Lodge Hill Mary Robinson (d of George of Lodge Hill
1827 14-Jul Andrew Bodell (s of late Robert of Ligoniel Elizabeth Sarah McAdam (d of William of Ballysillah
1827 28-Jul William Wright (s of Thomas of Ballysillan Dolly Clememts (d of Henry of Carrick Hill
1827 28-Jul David Bodel (s of late Robert of Ligoniel Margaret Wright (d of Thomas of Ballysillan
1827 04-Aug William Allen (s of late James of Magherabrg Annie Jane Clark (d of late William of Ballymena
1827 24-Jul George Taylor Dickson (s of James of Fifeshire Jane Donaldson (d of late William of Belfast
1827 04-Aug Robert Simonton (s of Robert (senr)of North st. Mary Thomson (d of John Thomson of Castle St.
1827 09-Aug Richard Gardner (s of late Ricard(snr) of Annahilt Mary Fleming (d of late Patrick of Hercules St.
1827 14-Aug James Fee (s of James of Carmoney Hannah Armstrong (d of Samuel of Carmoney
1827 14-Aug John Brittain (s of John of White Rock Elizabeth Morrison (d of James of White Rock
1827 07-Sep Quintin Moore (s of Robert -Newforge Eleanor Kennedy (d of William Malone Rd
1827 17-Sep William Anderson (s of late Samuel of Waring St. Mary Jane McMullan (d of John north St.
1827 19-Sep James Guthrie (s of John Carrick Hill Agnes Isles (d of Robert Market St.
1827 03-Oct William Andrew (s of William Nr.Lurgan Sarah Kent (d of James Nr. Lurgan
1827 06-Nov Andrew Boyle (s of John Barrack st Margaret Hughes (d of William of Barrack St.
1827 13-Nov Mr. John Bull (…..of waterford Miss Blair ( Marr at Wheatfield
1827 01-Dec John Patterson (s of Alexander of Falls Eliza Linn (d of Late David - Belfast
1827 24-Dec William Finlay (s of William Bank Lane Eliza Ann Agnew (d of late James & widow of Hill St
1828 01-Feb David Brown (s of John Bsllycean Eleanor Smith (d of John Ballylesson
1828 09-Feb Thomas Gamble (s of James Springfield Elizabeth Shanks (d of James Nr. Springfield
1828 18-Feb Samuel Kennedy (s of Samuel Ballymacarret Ann Russell (d of late Samuel Donegal St
1828 07-Mar John Armour (s of Willfield Jane McMillian (d of late William of Peter's Hill
1828 17-Mar Henry McIroy (s of William of Carrickfergus St Mary McCauley (d of John of Little Donegal St
1828 03-Apr Rev. Henry Kyd (of Boviva) John of Dungiven Maria Bailey ( d of Robert of Bridge St
1828 07-Apr James Crooks Late James of Mill St. Maria Hinds (d of George of Bridge St.
1828 19-Apr James Thomson James Ballysillan Jane Rippet ( d of Russell-Ballygomartin
1828 01-May Hugh Eccles William of Nelson St Rosanna Bell (d of late Isaac of Donegal St
1828 02-May Alexander McCullogh Marmaduke of Buckna Ann Jane Patterson ( d of Isaac Queens In St
1828 10-May James Johnston Samuel of Princess St Rebina Morrison (d of Robert of Princess St.
1828 12-May James *Campbell, Master of the Bee Adair (s of late William of Belfast Elizabeth Kirker (d of late David Falls
1828 02-Jun John Andrews Little Patrick St Jane Brown (d of Matthew of Newtownards
1828 05-Jun James *Black * Church Lane (s of James Dromore Margart Moreland (d of Moses of the Lodge
1828 09-Jun John Johnston (s of William of Mill St Eleanor Rodgrs (d of Thomas of Nr. Broughshave ?
1828 10-Jun Thomas Marshall (s of Rev John of Ballyclare Eleanor Monrgomery * Eleanor*relict of the late Josias- Belfast
1828 15-Jul Alex. Carnigie Ritchie, Esq. (s of late Alexander of Bare Hill, Esq. Sophia Gordon (Youngest dau of Thomas, Esq.
1828 21-May Alexander Rule (s of late Alex. of Doagh Margaret Allen (d of Joseph of Peter's Hill
1828 09-Aug Robert McCracken (s of William of Broomhedge Mary Angus (d of Nathaniel, Ann St
1828 05-Sep Clatsworthy McMullan (s of late William of Peter's Hill Jane McCluskey (d of James Bangor
1828 06-May David Andrews ( s late David of Sandy Row English Co. Armagh Ann Coburn (d of late James Ogher, Tyrone
1828 11-Sep John Isdell of Ann St (s of David of Mill St Susanna Harrison (d of Isaac of Ann St.
1828 01-Oct Rev. James Denham. Brigh Elisa Hanna (d of Rev.Samuel Rosemary St.Church(eldest dau
1828 13-Oct David Hamilton Wilson (s of David William St Mary Miniece (d od Late James of Ballymena
1828 15-Oct Joseph Patterson (s of David of William St. Matha McKean (d of James of Antrim
1828 03-Nov William Laird (s of John of Carmoney Margaret McClure (d of Robert John St
1828 28-Oct Robert Gambel (s of Arthur of North St Charlotte McCammon (d of late John of King St.
1828 10-Oct Philip Johnston (s of late William of Glenavy Esther Woods (d of late David of Skippers St
1828 10-Nov Andrew Adams (s of Samuel of Old Park Ann Jane McAdam (d of Thomas of U. Ballysillan
1828 05-Dec James Ross (s of late William of High St Messy Stormont (d of William of North St
1828 08-Dec Christopher Bridgen (s of late Francis Warrenpoint Mary Ann Donaldson (dof late William James St, Belfast
1828 11-Dec William Thomas (bernard) (s of Bernard of High St May Robison (d of late Philip of North St
1829 02-Jan William Mulholland (s of late Robert of co.Tyrone Jane Shannon (d of John of Sandy Row

Sheet 6

Year Day/Mon Groom First Name Groom Surname Remarks Bride First Name Bride Surname Remarks
1829 12-Jan William Johnston of John of Knockbrckan Sarah Mckelvy of Jonathan of Wilson Court
1829 26-Jan James Crawford of Robert of U. Falls Margaret Coats of late Samuel of Upper Falls
1829 15-Jan Robert Patterson Ritchie ……Belfast Anna Thomson of late Rev. John of….
1829 09-Feb James Kelly Patterson late James Kelly of Edinburgh Charlotte Laverty late Roger of Barrack St.
1829 13-Feb George Thomson James of Maragell Mary Thomson John of Ahaboy
1829 12-Mar Samuel Gibson Late James of Donegal St. Mary Sinclair William of Brookvale
1829 14-Apr James McKee James of Drumbo Mrs. Little relict of Samuel of Drumbo
1829 14-May Hugh Campbell late James of Little Patrick St Mary Ann Ingrhan late Allen of Little Patrick St.
1829 19-May Charles Johnston John of Birch St Francis Bryson Robert of Carrick Hill
1829 02-Jun John Suffern of Donegal st late James of North St Agnes Stevenson of Waring St. Dr. Samuel Martin Stevenson
1829 06-Jun Alexander Rafferty of Sandy Row late Miles of Barrack St Rachel Mulholland Sandy Row late Robert Cookstown
1829 01-Aug David Reid Hudson Inn Keeper, North st. …….. Lucy Johnston Francis of Lurgan
1829 03-Aug James Johnston Francis of Falls Sarah Logan Relcit to Joseph Logan, Garrickfergus
1829 21-Aug Henry Gibson Henry of Lancaster St. Margaret Rogers Late James of Little York St
1829 29-Aug William Vance(wid) of Millfield Sarah Berryhill Relict of Arthur Harper Berryhill
1829 17-Sep John Stevenson late Samuel of Killead Mary Waugh of William of Malone
1829 ….. Alexander Jamison James NR.Greyabbey Sarah McMullan John of North St
1829 12-Oct Thomas Johnston late James of Millfield Widow McClelland of Lodge Lane ……..
1829 06-Oct William Miller Late Hercules of North St Sarah Donaldson late Archibald of Ballymacarret
1829 10-Nov John Fleck Late James of Carrick Hill Elisa Jane Stewart Robert of Carrick Hill
1829 11-Nov Wilson Coburn Hugh of Edward St Martha Gilfillan Robert of Birch Hill
1829 13-Nov Robert Geddes Late Archibald of Killinchy Mary Howard Late John of Mill St
1829 14-Nov Simon Clark Arthur of Ballymagarry Ann Jane Nelson ? Francis of Barrack (St)
1829 15-Dec Hugh McCartney James of Killead Margaret MaGee Late William of Patrick St.
1830 08-Jan Henry Lewis Late John of Belfast Ellen Brown Late William of Killead
1830 15-Jan James Russell David of Ballysillan Jane McAdam William of Ballysillan
1830 28-Jan James Dunbar James of Smithfield Court Margaret Steel Robert of Graten Place
1830 08-Feb Stewart Parker Robert of Academy St Agnes Gray Ross ……..
1830 12-Mar John Looney ? Thomas of Ligoniel Nancy Thomson John of Ligoniel
1830 27-Mar William Gilmore William of Donaghadee Margaret Jadine John of Catherine St
1830 20-Apr John Clark Arthur of Ballmagarry Nancy Seals John of Ballymagarry
1830 11-May Hugh Dyer John of Lodge Rd Isabella Thomson John of Lancaster St.
1830 15-Jun Robert Sterling Late Hugh of Talbot St Sarah McCalister late John of Trafalgar St.
1830 10-Jul Robert Taylor Alexander of Grebilly ? Mary Ann Parkinson Late John of Belfast
1830 09-Aug James McCutcheon Samuel of Gordon St Mary Ballantyne Late John of Belfast
1830 14-Aug Russell McAdam William of Ballystillen Mary Dunlop James of Cromac St.
1830 23-Aug William Duncan Late William of Dubin Sarah Sheriff Late Joseph of Wine Tavern St.
1830 24-Aug Joseph Young William of Glenavy Elisabeth Tobis Rev. Mattew now in Belfast
1830 08-Sep John Carson ……of Shankill Nancy McCully ……..Skankill
1830 08-Sep William McCully of Belfast Robert of ……. Margaret Wright William of Belfast/Shankill
1830 13-Oct Robert Chapman John of Springfield Nancy McCausland George of Springfield
1830 30-Oct William Moreland Francis of Portaferry Sarah Ingran late Allen of Little Patrick St.
1830 04-Nov Allen Ingram Richard of Lancaster St. Matha McIlwrath William of Leppers Mill
1830 10-Nov Ritchie Richard of Lancaster John of Forrest Lane Mary Martin Thomas of Forest Lane
1830 12-Nov Matthew Cummin Alexander of Ballynacarret Flora Miniss late Samuel Ballymacarret
1830 25-Nov John McCullogh James of U. Ballysillan Jane Fee David of U. Ballysllan
1830 07-Dec David Logan James of By.Sillan, Now Revensdale Rose Ann Rusk John of La. Ballysillan
1830 15-Dec William Johnston John of Morrow's Entry Catherine McClean late Daniel of Chester Lane
1830 25-Dec William Maris Thomas who was present Ann Jane Stewart late James Edenderry
1831 10-Jan Alxander Moore Thomas (moon) of Calendon Isabella Cochran George of Ann St
1831 19-Jan Robert Davidson James of Ballyaghagan ? Ann Jane Graham Samuel of Lr Falls
1831 20-Jan Robert Gilfilland (wid) …….of Birch St Susanna Boyd Matthew of Charles St
1831 20-Jan Thomas Swan late Thomas of Round Entry Elizabeth McIwrath Michael of Lodge Rd
1831 24-Jan James McKechie Charles of Glasgow Martha Wilson Late William of Trafalgar St
1831 25-Jan Thomas Walker late William of Magheragill Marjory Stewart late James of Edenderry
1831 28-Jan Russell Rippt Russell of Ballygomartin Martha Shanks James of Edendery
1831 04-Feb Thomas McCall William of Ballykeel Elisabeth McConnell late Alexander of Ferguson's Court
1831 04-Feb William Milholland George of Carrick Hill Sarah Hynds Henry of Berry St
1831 04-Feb Robert McGee Henry of Moneymore Sarah McCurdy Late William of Gooseberry Corner
1831 21-Feb James Callender John of Gordon St. Martha McConnell James of Belfast
1831 25-Feb Robert Montgomery ….Comber (sailor) Mrs. Johnston John of Morrow's Entry
1831 25--Feb Thomas Williamson ……. Eleanor Johnston John of Morrow's Entry

If you want to go to page 4 of the transcription go to Go to Rosemary street church ireland marriages page4

If you want to go back to page 2 of the transcription go to Go to Rosemary street church ireland marriages page2

Thanks go out to Peggy for all her hard work on this data.

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